Before I begin this morning, I want to tell you where I went last night. I was like an eight year old at a Lego convention. Someone rang me and said, "The Saints team have just checked into a hotel I'm staying at", and this was just down the road from where I live.
I jumped in the car and arrived at the hotel about half an hour later without any clear plan of what I was going to do. I turned up in the function room, where they were sat, and the realisation hit me that I was just standing there in front of the seated team of galacticos.
"Hi, I'm Mike... I'm a Saints fan," was my inarticulate opening.
"Hi, mate," the team replied in unison.
"Erm, could I just take your picture, please."
"Yeah, if you want."
"Sorry about this, I feel a bit like an eight year old."
"Don't worry about it."
"Thanks. Ok, say cheese... that's got it."
"Cheers mate."
"Good luck tomorrow night."
...and that was it. There were a couple of photos that I took with two individually, a bit later on, but no less awkward. I don't know what it is with the magic of football. It can make a person that is normally quite articulate in front of people, choke like an adolescent school kid.
Anyway, now I can continue with what I was going to write about, now I've removed that from my chest.
Ever since I've worked at my current company I've not enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong, there have been times when it's been fun, but if at any time someone had asked me, "Do you enjoy it?" I would have replied in a heart beat, "No."
But, I have been there ten years, and as you work your way up the ladder you earn more money, until one day when you look around, you realise that your life now is so dependent on that level of earnings that you're trapped.
This happened to me, probably two years ago, and made me begin this journey of asking, "What if?"
Obviously now I'm well on the way to changing it all, but the longer you leave it the more challenging it is. The more people you have to think about. The more limiting beliefs you have collected.
One of the key parts to this move that will enable it to happen with a much smaller level of risk, is to secure a redundancy package. I know I'm very fortunate to be, potentially, in this position and that's why I need to make sure that it happens.
I say, "make sure that it happens," because they don't just hand these things out in the canteen at lunch with the pies. I'm on a project at the moment, and this was my first step to getting nearer the door. When the project ends, my job will end and therefore as being 'displaced' I am in a much stronger position to get made redundant. Accompanied with the current environment as well of the company reducing their workforce, this makes for an attractive position to be in.
I have had a snag recently though. The project that I'm on should have ended at the end of 2010. Hmmm... it hasn't yet. The current plans have pushed it out to the middle of 2012. This is business and you have to be able to adapt your plans accordingly. My plans are moving in the other way though so I need to force this to happen somehow for me personally.
I have had some headway into this plan last week, with the potential of a siphoning off of half the project into another project that will be delayed until next year. Thus creating a clear divide between the current project and the future one. This could mean that I then have the perfect opportunity to leave.
Ironically, I have been tasked with collecting the reasons why it would make more sense to divide the projects, and finish the current project around the middle of 2011. Perfect.
So, yesterday, I had a first meeting with certain stakeholders to collect some of these reasons, and today I get to present them to project leadership to influence their decision. It has by chance fallen into my hands to make the case as compelling as possible. Is it chance, or is it the universe providing the images that I have visualised? Read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne if you don't know what I mean.
So, I keep on believing that this will happen, and that accompanied with the energy that I put into it, the outcome will materialise. If this is successful then my belief in the maxim that there is no such thing as luck will be proved.
As usual I'll keep you posted.
Location:Alderley Edge,United Kingdom
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