Monday, 10 January 2011

The Change Institute

Before Christmas your faithful guide took an NLP Practitioner Course (Neuro Linguistic Programming) with Helford 2000, and learned the modern art of the ancients. This means that, NLP has only been around for 30-40 years but it echoes the teachings from as far back as ancient Greece. In a nutshell it is about being able to re-programme your mind, and others, in order to achieve a change.

The course covered rapport, influencing, goal setting, time line therapy, hypnotherapy, coaching, communication and sensory acuity. It left me with a skill set that strengthened some of the natural strengths that I had, and also gave me an incredible depth of other, broader skills that I plan to use in the future for the good of others.

The main purpose for going on the course was to enhance my personal development and help me to achieve all of the plans that I have for this year. I feel much more in control now of the life that I want and I know that I am the only person that can achieve it. However, the unexpected outcome was the additional set of skills that I have collected that I can use to really help other people.

These techniques/skills can be collectively put under the banner of coaching, but they need not be be used in conjunction with coaching. They can be used to help someone change a behaviour that they have internally generated at a point in time, in order for them to unblock it and help them to achieve what they want.

I want to start up my own company assisting people with these changes, and it will be called The Change Institute.

It will focus on a variety of techniques, including Phobia Treatment, Time Line Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and Coaching. These techniques are very powerful and are completely guaranteed, if the person wants to make the change.

As an example, while we were learning the models I rid myself of a fifteen year habit of biting my nails, and even more impressively, a twenty five year old fear of heights, both of these were gone in about twenty minutes each.

The person who wants to change must come to me wanting it to happen, in other words there cannot be any secondary gain attached to it, and also they must put some kind of investment into the process to reinforce the desire to change. This investment is typically given in both time and money.

I intend to start this company primarily up north, in order to start practicing as soon as possible, and then it will move with me when we relocate. There is no set premises that is required, but I do need to look into rooms that I can hire near me that can be used as quiet therapy rooms. Then as and when I get a client I will just hire the room, thus preventing any regular overhead commitment. I don't want to run it from home as it feels a bit personal.

In order to get started I will get some business cards printed and start putting them up in places near me, and then wait for the business to come. I also need a website so that people can read about it before they make the first call. I know that this would be how I'd approach something, and it also makes me look more professional, which is the image that I want to project. Everyone I know wants to make a change in something, and when they want it bad enough they'll start to look for help.

If I can help the first group of clients, then reputation through word of mouth will build, and soon I'll be batting people away. It will be fantastic to be able to help people to achieve a better life in whatever area they want to change.

So I'll keep you updated with the progress that I want to make with this, and more importantly, I'll let everyone know when I do get that first client. Exciting times.

Location:Lydiat Ln,Alderley Edge,United Kingdom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So as a freebie and to prove you know what your doing are you going to cure me of my phobia of sea and sand - may as well go the whole hog and do bananas and ants whilst your at it!!

Then people truly will be amazed at your new skill and be flocking to your door!!!!

Can you believe the b&ggers at work put a banana on my keyboard the other week - it took me forever to find a towel to pick it up with then i had to find something to clean the keys with!!!! NOT GOOD.

Your darling sister