Too many people are miserable, see the bad in everything, have their glass half full at best. These people are dangerous. They suck the life out of the good, and inject their sordid, horrible gospel into peoples’ thoughts instead.
It usually only takes a handful of bad people to ruin an event, or a happening, where as you never see a handful of good people equally turning the tide. One bad apple syndrome.
Rules are often seen to be divisive, a means for a few to control the behaviour of the many. But I believe that we must now return to some straight forward, common sense principles in order to guide us through our lives to the promised land of contentment and, dare I say it, HAPPINESS.
This is not hard, but we are easily dragged along with the momentum of misery that rolls past us every day. Let us stop now, and rise up above this river of drivel, and start to take control of our enjoyment of our lives.
This does not demand that we worship anything, or look to others to tell us what to do, or even rely on others to sort us out. We must walk this path alone, and drive our own way to the gates. Blake once said that, “The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom”, and if this is the case then lets over-indulge in smiles and love and respect, and make sure that the palace we’re heading towards is the right one.
These simple reminders must be committed to memory and adhered to everyday, even in the face of adversity, to ensure that you stay on the right track. Soon you will become sub-consciously competent, and at this point you’re on the happy plane and it’s being driven on auto-pilot.
The Ten Principles of Happiness
1. Appreciate what you have
2. Love someone and allow yourself to be loved by someone else
3. Help someone
4. Share with people
5. Control the information that you allow into your sub-conscious
6. Beware of negative people
7. Learn something new and explore new places
8. Have a purpose
9. Manage your time effectively
10. Be conscious in the moment
These principles are common sense. Nobody can question the power they have over your mood, and your sense of happiness. Within these principles are sub-points that are also valid and there are also probably more specific behaviours that should be encouraged, but I believe that everything fits within these over-arching ideas.
None of this stuff is new. You can read about it in the ancient scripts of the Egyptians, you can see the learning’s in the Taoist philosophies and the Buddhist readings, in all known organised religions of the modern world and, more importantly, deep down inside of everyone this resonates as the truth.
People have a choice of how much they want to be on the cause side of their lives as opposed the effect side. Are you going to make it happen, or will it happen to you?
Just see things differently, hear things differently, feel things differently and do things differently, and notice the effects of this powerful message.
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