A fanfare of trumpets are played by angels, who hover over their ethereal thrones, whilst protecting the common man from his fates. The sound that is generated is triumphant and jubilant, and washes over the listener. Never sharpening the listeners attention, but somehow consuming them in an aura of light.
Can you all feel it?
The decision has finally been made by the powers that be, and I've been consigned to a life of freedom. My good behaviour has been rewarded and my sentence has been cut by thirty years.
I received notice of this milestone moment yesterday afternoon, but the details of it are still in question. I have a meeting on 6th June where it will be formally presented, and from there my notice period will begin.
As described previously, the six month notice period that I'm entitled to will be wavered by me in order to receive immediate departure. But my manager yesterday explained that the final end date would be more of my choosing, which will suit perfectly, and I hope to string it out until the end of July.
It is a great feeling to finally have that weight removed from my shoulders, and now the only remaining paving stone to place at the corner of our new life is the house sale. We had an offer yesterday, which we dutifully rejected, and then instead of a counter offer on their part, we had nothing back. So we left it with them over night, and are waiting for their sleepless limbs to pick up the phone this morning and beg for us to take more money. If this does not come, then I think we will capitulate and accept their lower offer for the sake of the big picture, and at least then all certainty will be lined up.
I shall endeavor to let you know as this unravels. It is finally turning up a gear and the nearer it is getting the more exciting it becomes.
Location:The Ave,Alderley Edge,United Kingdom
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