Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Two Million Dollar Baby

What could two million pounds get you? It would be an ideal lottery win, you would have enough to sort loved ones out before taking the rest on a dream life.

I once did a calculation to work out my Financial Independence figure. This was the sum of an appropriate annual salary factored by an appropriate interest rate for however many years you want to earn it, a house, a car, some big holidays, a snooker room, a swimming pool and what ever else you can see yourself achieving before you die. Add all of this up and there is the amount that you need to gather to live that perfect life. Nothing special but control over the rest of your days. My figure came out at 1.3 million.

What about a commercial building project, or two Rickie Lamberts?

The reason I ask this is because the part of the project that I have been working on for the last 18 months has now gone live in Production. The total cost is up near two million.

You wouldn't know that it was there, the business are now using it and this equates to one person who I'm shadowing to make sure he does it right. I won't go into the mind-numbingly boring details about exactly what it does but suffice it to say that it helps to support a new Financial IS System.

I suppose the money is only one aspect of the project but it does help to put context on to it. The project was one twenty-fifth of the total Programme Budget, so this shows how much certain people really care about it.

So, like a big, fat gypsy that has been turfed off of his site, or a hat and scarf combo on the first day of Spring, I'm now redundant in my task. Oh, how I wish I was proclaiming that I was redundant full stop but alas, no.

I'll still be in employment for the time being but my actual responsibilities are massively reduced. I obviously don't want to show too much appetite for anything new, so instead I will bide my time.

The end of this month is the date that I'm still expecting more news on that front, so in the mean time, which is only a couple of weeks, I'll just keep my head down and wait.

Don't forget that the dream ticket is to work on transition work until the end of June and then Va Va Voom.

Just to think that Saints could've bought two more Rickie Lambert's instead.

Location:Arderne Pl,Alderley Edge,United Kingdom

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