Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Success... well...

I have received the first couple of letters back from the literary agents that I had sent samples of my book to. One was a flat rejection letter, "Thank you but no thank you, good luck." But the other has had a profound effect on my confidence.

Don't misunderstand me it wasn't an acceptance letter, but if Carlsberg did rejection letters, then this would be it.

It was fantastic because it was a hand written letter that was all good, apart from the important bit. There were phrases like, "... strong writing...", "I read the whole sample and enjoyed it...", one of the best comments, "It was very P.G.Wodehousian, which is one of the best complements that you can give a humour writer", "I'm probably making a huge mistake but ...".

These comments from someone that has been in the trade for forty years and knows something about all of this have blown my mind. Not only is it being treated like a proper book, which is comforting, but also that it's pretty good, which has done wonders for the old confidence.

I've written the book in a bunker really, with no real gauge of the quality, so this confirmation that it's alright is personally great.

I'm still waiting for two letters to come back and then I will send the next wave out to some unwitting agents, who are about to get their socks blown off.

We have a viewing on Thursday evening which is good. Some more hope on the house front. I'm going to try something this time. A little subliminal messaging around the house, that leaves a suggestion that it's home and that they belong there. It won't harm anything and, who knows, it might work.

The final thing that's happened this week is that I've heard news of my bonus that I'm paid at work. My expectations after last year were low, but I've been happily surprised and I should have enough money now to complete my Master Practitioner training for NLP. This training is completely aligned with what I want to achieve for my own business when I get to the Isle of Wight, and therefore is better happening earlier rather than later. I will now look at when the next courses are available, both up here and down south depending on the timing.

I feel, after the last couple of weeks where I was stagnating, that I'm now in the ascendancy again. That's life...

Location:Alderley Edge,United Kingdom

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