Thursday 5 July 2007

Chunky Girl

Sophie is now 6lbs 4ozs. At last she has tipped the 6lb marker. Hopefully she can now push on and get a bit of momentum up and start chunking it on like Dylan did at that size.

Anyway, I realise that I haven’t really given much insight into our everyday life at the moment, mainly because I don’t think you will be too interested in it. But it is probably valuable to understand the pain and torture that is endured at the moment to ensure that future generations will not make the same mistakes. Pain and torture has been some what diluted in modern times, the Spanish Inquisition has hung up its tools, there are no more stocks in village centres, and most modern methods of agony infliction have been outlawed. People in the Dark Ages probably thought that they had it bad, but surely the constant nature of this particular grief has to be right up there with the great hay days of the Chinese Torture years.

It is relentless every day. As soon as one of them stops crying and feeding then the other starts. There is absolutely no time to do anything substantial on your own. We have grown used to being capable of doing most things with only one hand because the other one is employed with a baby. Sleep has become a distant friend, one that you see only every now and again but one that you know you will have a good time with when you do see them.

The other night we climbed in to bed, and for the first time in 6 weeks there was no noise coming from the nursery. At first I thought I had gone deaf, but then the realisation hit me that they might actually both be asleep. I pointed this out to Claire and we both closed our eyes and enjoyed the silence. This lasted for 6 minutes, and then Sophie woke up pretending that she had never been fed before.

In all fairness, they are now beginning to sleep more at night. Both need one feed in the night and can then settle quite quickly afterwards. We are going to attempt to get them in a routine now so that we can reclaim a bit of our evenings.

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